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Showing posts from January, 2008

The application of graph theory and high performance computing medical diagnostics and nanotechnology

The commercial application is the integrated system for detection of new regulatory elements located in the non coding genome parts. Until now many human disorders have been found to be connected to some of the noncoding RNA’s. Detection of new noncoding elements and correlation with SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphysm) databases may allow help to detect and explain cause of other types of cancer and diseases. Computational prediction of ncRNAs in genomic sequences would also allow experimental testing of expression levels, functional assay by deletion or mutagenesis, structural analysis and identification of protein or nucleic acid interaction partners. Another application is so called RNA nanotechnology. It is designing of nanoparticles, which are assembled mainly from ribonucleic acid which possess both the right size and ability to gain entry into cells and halt viral growth or cancer's progress or deliver drugs. Some of those nanoparticles has been successfully tested in mice