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Showing posts from October, 2006

DATAGENOM 3rd progress meeting - Scotland

The DATAGENOM project extends from genome analysis, through cloning, expression, enzyme production, screening and protein engineering, to the enzymatic production of chiral biomolecules. The design of the project takes advantage of broad funnel-approach starting with innovative data-mining and processing of a large number of genes to ensure high flow-through in the process and rational selection of best enzyme candidates. The purpose of this progress meeting of the DATAGENOM project is to report on the progress made for the third period and remaining plans for the final steps and conclusion of the project. Also to define any required assistance between members to complete the work.

Annual SEPSDA Meeting - Beijing, China

The general objective of the Sino-European Project on SARS Diagnsotics and Antivirals (SEPSDA) is to carry out a complete analysis of the genome and the proteome, including the structural proteome, of the SARS coronavirus and to use the knowledge gained for the rational discovery of antiviral compounds as well as for the development of new, more specific diagnostics. The meeting was held in Sino-German Center for the Promotion of Science in Beijing and was the important part of the mid-term review of the project.